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Provider Services

All of the following services for child care providers are FREE of charge:


  • Assistance with the application and throughout the registration process

  • Referrals to your business when parents contact us looking for child care

  • Technical assistance to answer questions and help you improve the quality of care you provide

  • Health Care Consultancy to assist you with developing and maintaining your program's health care plan.
  • Reimbursement for the nutritious meals and snacks you serve through the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
  • Training programs on child development, business management, CPR, first aid, nutrition, child abuse and maltreatment and other child care related topics are available at low or no cost.

Provider Newsletter

By subscribing below you can stay up to date on professional development trainings, OCFS Regulation updates, CACFP, Traffic Safety and much more! Click HERE to view archived newsletters.


Concerns & Complaints


If you think a person or program is operating without the proper license/registration certificate or is in possible violation of a child care regulation, you can file a complaint to ICP/SRO/OCFS.


Your complaint will be investigated, and if it is substantiated, staff will work with the provider to correct any violations.


To file a complaint, reach out to any of the following:

Integrated Community Planning: (315) 343-2344

Syracuse Regional Office: (315) 423-1202 

Office of Children & Family Services: (800) 732-5207 

Do You Suspect Abuse or Maltreatment?
Report it Now!

Call the NYS Child Abuse Hotline:

The hotline is available 24 hours a day,

seven days a week, 365 days a year.


If you believe that a child is in immediate danger,

call 911 or your local police department.

New York State requires a provider/program to be licensed or registered if they provide child care for:

  • More than two children not related to provider

  • More than three hours a day


What are some key requirements for being a licensed/registered child care provider?

  • Are you at least 18 years of age?

  • Do you have experience caring for young children? Raising your own children counts!

  • Minimum qualifications: 2 years experience caring for children less than 6 yrs. OR 1 year experience plus 6 training hours - college courses (ECE, ECD, CDA), health and safety training, workshops, or  other child related fields.. Trainings are offered in our offices!

  • Do you own your own home? If renting, check with landlord about operating a daycare.

  • Does the home have at least 2 remote means of egress (two separate ways out)?

  • Is the potential day care space on the first floor with exits directly to the outside? 

  • Is there an accessible outdoor play area for the children?

  • Is there a working phone in the home?

  • Any household member 18 yrs. or older will need a Statewide Central Registry Database Check and fingerprints.

  • Home inspections are required -  one initial and one fire safety


To request an application, visit  and watch the REQUIRED orientation video. Registrars are also available in our offices to assist you at 315-343-2344 ext. 110 or 123.

Need information about licensing or child care regulations?

The Child Care & Development Council Registrars can assist you with any questions you may have about NYS child care regulations.  For questions about family or school age child care regulations, contact our office at (315) 343-2344.  For questions about group family or child care center regulations, contact the Syracuse Regional Office at (315) 423-1202.  To view the regulations, visit the Office of Children and Family Services website.



Looking to improve the quality of care you provide?

The Child Care & Development Council offers several options to assist you in improving the quality of care you provide.


  • Training: a variety of training opportunities are available to help you meet requirements and improve quality.  Visit the "Training Info" section of the website for more information.

  • Technical Assistance:  our specialists are available to visit your site and provide one-on-one technical assistance.  A specialist will assess your site, answer your questions, and assist you in developing a quality improvement plan for your program.  For more information or to speak with a Specialist, call (315) 343-2344, or visit the "Contact Us" tab on this website.

  • Child Development Associate Credential and/or Accreditation preparation and advisement: CCDC offers training courses that fulfill requirements for attaining credentials.  In addition, advisement is available to guide you through the self-paced process to help with portfolio preparation and staff is available to conduct observational assessments.  

Click the photo to learn more!

Looking for financial assistance?


You may be eligible for EIP scholarship dollars to participate in training.   Grants are available through the Educational Incentive Program (EIP).  This is a program for child care providers working in Licensed or Registered facilities that are also financially eligible. For more information or to apply for a scholarship, visit  You may also contact EIP at or (800) 295-9616.


Would you like to reach out to other providers?

To reach out to other providers, visit our facebook page using the link at the bottom of the page, or post comments on the "Contact Us" page of this site.

 © 2025 Integrated Community Planning of Oswego County, Inc.

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