Many families in New York State and right here in Oswego County share concerns about child care, which can be difficult to find, too costly to afford, or of questionable quality.
The Child Care & Development Council (CCDC) recognizes the link between quality child care and school readiness, and economic development. The services we provide are critical to the improvement of the quality of care available to the children in the community. We are committed to engaging the public in supporting the continued funding for child care services at the local, state, and national levels.
Policies and funding that support high-quality, affordable child care for all children fosters school readiness so that children are prepared to learn and succeed. The greatest development of a child's brain occurs in the first five years and the quality of care a child receives during those years can last a lifetime.
As a member of Child Care Aware of America and the Early Care and Learning Council (ECLC), and Winning Beginning NY, the Child Care & Development Council supports their public policy agendas and initiatives. These organizations are leaders in state and national early care and education.
What happens when children have access to high quality child care?
Child Care is an increasingly burdensome expenditure for many families. All parents want their children to be in a safe, clean, and engaging environment with trained professionals. Unfortunately, due to the high cost, too many families are forced to send their children to facilities with low standards and limited quality.
Children enrolled in high quality child care programs are proven to enjoy greater success down the road. Quality child care is the essential groundwork needed to promote the success of millions of young Americans and strengthen the economy.
Community stakeholders include everyone who values early childhood education and understands the risk of not making it a priority in our society. To become more involved and to learn more about the issues we encourage you to contact your elected officials. To find which elected officials serve Oswego County and the city, town or village where you live, visit Oswego County's Guide to Government.
Visit Child Care Aware of America's Take Action page to view current campaigns to strengthen the quality of child care, join their Action Network, and stay informed about current legislation and Congressional activity.
Current Public Policy Agendas:
2020-22 Child Care Aware of America Agenda provides a compass to guide efforts toward the ultimate goals of serving children, families and ECEs. At this crucial time, when policymakers at all levels are beginning to understand the role of child care in our communities and in our economy, CCAoA is a trusted leader in the fight for a child care system that works for all.
The Early Care and Learning Council along with the statewide network of Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agencies coordinates statewide advocacy efforts tom promote equitable access to high quality early care and learning that benefits and supports NYS families and children.
Empire State Campaign for Child Care is a statewide, powerful grassroots movement with the capacity to educate and motivate our elected leaders to increase New York’s investment in child care so that all New York families can access safe, supportive, quality child care so that parents can work and children thrive.
Zero to Three works to ensure that babies and toddlers benefit from the early connections that are critical to their well being and development. Lend your voice to ensure all babies and toddlers have the opportunity to succeed.

Public Policy