Parent Services
How Can We Help You? Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) is all about service to parents. Our Referral Specialist helps parents find the right child care for your child - whatever your consideration is, hours of need, school district, or flexible hours needed. Staff is available to assist you with choosing the right care for your child. They may be reached Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. at (315) 343-2344 x112. When you call, you will be provided with:
Up-to date referrals to local child care services that meet your family's needs
Referrals to programs that help pay for child care
Information about the types of child care available in your community
Information about the immunizations required for children in care
Referrals to services for children with special needs

If you suspect child abuse or neglect, call the New York State Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-342-3720. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department.
Child Care Referrals
Complete Our Online Referral Form
*printable paper form also available
Parent Newsletter
Winter 2024 Parent Newsletter
Spring 2024 Parent Newsletter
Summer 2024 Parent Newsletter
Fall 2024 Parent Newsletter
Tips for evaluating quality and selecting the right care for your child:
Interview several caregivers or programs to find one that you are comfortable with. Be sure to ask about:
Fees and payment schedules
Drop-off and pick-up times
Schedule of activities that includes quiet and active opportunities for learning
Discipline policy (Spanking or hitting is not allowed)
Training and certification (CPR, First Aid, Medication Administration, etc.)
Policy for mildly ill children
Approval to administer medication
Participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program
References; Call and ask other parents what they think about the caregiver
Also check the provider's history on the New York State Office of Children and Family Services web-site, or by calling our office at (315) 343-2344 x110 or x123.
Visit the Center or Home with your child. Be sure to look for:
A caregiver who is kind, loving and interacts well with children
A caregiver who communicates well with parents
A safe, clean, cheerful setting
Nutritious meals and snacks
Interesting and challenging activities which mix quiet and active times for each child's skill and energy
A setting where children have fun and learn
While your child is in care, drop by unannounced to see how your child is adjusting.
How Much should I expect to pay for child care in Oswego County?
Click here to get an idea of what the cost of child care is (Oswego County is Group 3). Although rates vary from provider to provider, our local Department of Social Services and the NYS Office of Children and Family Services provide income guidelines for the child care assistance program and have "market rates" for each type of child care - family day care, group family day care, or center. Many child care businesses use these rates as guidelines for their private pay customers, too. Contracts should be read very carefully to avoid miscommunication. If you don't know - ASK!